Thursday, March 5, 2009

On Writing a Novel, Entry #10

Not quite sure where to go from here. Mr. Vonachen has kind of (uncharacteristically) spilled his guts to Sammy.

I feel like Sammy has to reply somehow...but I'm not sure how to do that. Basically my story has been vacillating between Sammy/Lydia conversations, and one other day of the week when Sammy interacts with others. Perhaps just to fit in another day--just a day at the alley. Maybe league night, on the weekends. Sammy could run into an old teammate. That still bugs me--if this is a sweet bowling alley and supported by the surrounding community, then I'm sure there would still be people who tried to seek out Sammy.

His high school coach, for one. Old teammates. Ex-girlfriends? Regardless, he's close enough to home that people would definitely have dropped by the alley by now, and yet there's no mention of it.

I've kicked around the idea of a high school coach coming out and really helping Sammy, although Mr. Vonachen's kind of taken that role. Would they be rough? Crude? Sympathetic? Farther advanced in life (married, kids even?) or stuck in high school still?

Retreating to an earlier note, I'm wondering if my chronology (two days per week, essentially, and implied minutiae in-between) needs work. Do I need more days, more interactions, more happenings throughout the week, or is it okay to climb ahead at the pace it is currently at? None of my readers have commented to that end thus far, but still, it is worth searching out. I hate that proofing is so time-consuming, because I wish I could be fixing these small errors as I go. Oh well, I suppose sometimes there are no shortcuts.

Just writing and reading and more writing and more reading. Right now that's all there is.

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