Friday, January 15, 2016

I should say something.

Here's the deal, blog fans: Someone tweeted a blog link from a piece I wrote a while ago, meaning new traffic on the old blog. So here I am with a poignant update to capture all that new traffic.

This is my PowerBall, and you, dear reader, are my billion dollars.

The problem is I don't really know what to write.

I can't put up the poetry I'm working on, because then journals won't want to publish it. Not that they really do anyway, but a boy can dream. It would be fun to wrestle through some poems in real time, mess with line and meaning. I guess there's no real money in poetry anyway, so if I do that on here or in some journal, what's the real difference?

I don't know. Philosophically, is it better to share and invalidate a piece for traditional publishing, or withhold and hope for traditional publishing? I guess that's what I need to wrestle with. What my value is in writing, at the moment, and if this blog is a piece of that. Or I could just dribble on about my latest obtuse theological leanings (my latest journal entry more or less creates a God complex on behalf of humanity. You're welcome, godhumans) but I'm not sure I'm ready to take that plunge yet.

Either way, welcome to the blog. I've got about a couple of good pieces and a whole bunch of meandering in between. Good luck!

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