Thursday, September 10, 2015

Slight Update

After much soul-searching (actually, during a timed free-writing exercise) I decided to push this blog a bit more seriously. It's still a casual space that will meander through topics as they strike me, but first and foremost it will be about what it started out as: the beauty of the written word. Of course, story is a part of art as an encompassing concept; creativity, creation, the holiness and godliness of creative work, and so forth will trickle in and out because, well, that's the altar that I find myself serving on these days.

There's still some space for theology and psychology, because art fuels and is fueled by these. Ultimately everything is Art, and Art is everything: the hum of a computer fan, the ghost wind blowing against a stubborn window, the phases of water: steam, stream, or ice. Art is in everything, it is all around us, so my focus is nice in that it gives me a place to land when in doubt, but doesn't actually constrain me to anything.

My plan is to post daily updates--small blog posts, thoughts, quotes that inspire me or challenge me, and short vignettes or exercises. Once a week I will post a more substantive post (I'm picking Tuesday) that delves a bit more into what I'm wrestling with, or tired of, or crying over as I try to engage and pursue and love (and sometimes hate) writing.

Thanks for reading. Art only becomes eternal when it's shared (more on this Tuesday).

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