Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And that's a wrap

1000 words and they did not come easy, but I created about 4 pages out of nothing.

Well, not out of nothing, out of 65 pages in Times New Roman size 11 font.


So I'm on page 71 now, which gives me a lot more confidence that if I finish Book I by the end of the semester (3 weeks, I think) I will have 100+ pages.

Words came slow tonight, as I'm not completely sure where I'm going, and I'm tired and dirty and distracted. Piss.

Hopefully tomorrow will loosen up a bit and I'll be able to get a bit more done. Tonight was discouraging overall, but there is still light ahead, so I will keep moving in its direction. (Hope it's not an anglerfish.)

On Writing a Novel, Entry #12

Well, three weeks of laziness and one week of vacation later, I have fifteen pages written, zero blog entries, and a somewhat shaky view of where I'm going.

As far as positives go, I know I can get to 100 pages of writing by semester end, which, for the temporal requirements of class, is enough. A more negative note is that I am not sure Book I of the novel will make it to 100 pages, meaning I will start on book two, while my heart is in perfecting Book I. Still, perhaps I need to write it in its entirety before I can really know what perfection (or at least its best pursuit) will be for the story.

I think I need to finish Book I before I will really understand where Book II will take Sammy. I am sort of scared of becoming a Rabbit, Run clone--essentially, what I know is that Sammy will run. Still, I do not have either the style or perhaps ability of Updike, and no matter what Sammy will not be Rabbit. But the similarities are unavoidable--former athlete who, rather than deal with the pressures of a disappointing/disillusioning life, flees. I did not mean to do this, and yes there are blatant differences, steal some more, so it goes. (Thanks Kurt.)

Essentially what has happened since I last blogged is an unlocking of Sammy, to an extent. I do think that for it to work, I need to go back and lock him up a bit more. He goes two ways in a lot of places--closed off, but still likable, still socially comfortable. I think perhaps I want him to be likable, to be charismatic and appealing, but that isn't him, can't be him, because his life is shut off. Still, that is a proofing issue and not for immediate concern, I suppose.

Tonight (and I start so late, and waste so much time...) I have to figure out how Sammy and Lydia react after their first real emotionally intimate moment. I have to figure out a way to make an unbelievable act not only believable, but to flow within the current of the story. I think it is doable; or, I know it is doable, but whether or not it is best will be seen. Perhaps more subtlety makes sense, but I like the idea of Mr. Vonachen being a liberating force for Sammy, an enabler, a strengthener. A fairy godmother, to pull on the old archetype, in some ways.

Anyway. Off to write. Hopefully about 1500-2000 words later I will be in bed content with my work.